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March 29, 2023Trick-or-Treat
Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat! Halloween is supposed to be filled with sweet treats and loud laughter. Let’s try to keep it that way with some of these Pediatrician approved safety tips.
Costumes of all kinds can and should be worn. The brightly colored ones are most visible at twilight, but, let’s face it, everyone needs a good witch costume among their friends. Consider decorating the outside of your child’s outfit or trick-or-treat bag with glow bracelets or necklaces. Well fitting costumes make for a more enjoyable experience, as well. Have a costume fashion show a few nights before Halloween to ensure your child can see through headpieces and wigs, breathe in tighter fitting costumes, and walk in those long dresses and clunky shoes. Consider foam alternatives over hard plastic for those brooms, swords, and lightsabers. Flame retardant wigs, costumes, and accessories and non-toxic make-up and face paint are readily available and a safer option.
Roaming around the neighborhood you’ve chosen to raise your children in should be a comfortable and safe experience, but you can never be too safe. Consider accompanying children until at least 12 years of age. For older children, advise traveling in larger groups of three or more ghouls and ghosts on a specified route with pre-planned, timed check-ins and a fully charged cell phone for communication and flashlight capabilities. Even if you and/or your children are roaming through closed off areas, adults and children should remain on well-lit streets, use the sidewalks, look twice both ways for traffic, and approach homes with a porch light on.
We all know, back in the day, homemade treats were the best kind! Unfortunately, times have changed, and it is a good idea to inspect all treats prior to eating them. Consider throwing away any unwrapped or suspicious items. Keep tabs on your local news and what drugs might be impersonated as candy. Hard, sticky, and gummy candies and popcorn are all choking hazards for those little ones. Don’t forget the Epipen for those with allergies and ensure older children and their friends know how to use it just in case!
Most of all, have a Happy, and safe, Halloween!