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Your Child's Health, Our Priority, Always

Button Battery Safety

Hello Pediatrics is Fully Integrated with many Primary Care Providers

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Button Battery Safety: Essential Information for Pediatric Care

  • Button batteries pose a significant risk to pediatric patients and require immediate attention. Their small size and shiny appearance make them attractive to young children, who may accidentally swallow or insert them into their nose or ears.
  • Ingestion or insertion of button batteries can cause serious complications, including tissue damage, burns, and even death. The electrical current generated by the battery can lead to chemical burns, making early detection and removal crucial.
  • Symptoms may include coughing, choking, difficulty swallowing,
    drooling, chest pain, nasal discharge, or ear pain. Any child suspected of ingesting or inserting a button battery should be evaluated by a healthcare professional immediately.
  • Diagnosis typically involves imaging studies such as X-rays or endoscopic examinations. Prompt removal of the battery is
    necessary to prevent further damage and complications. It is vital for caregivers to ensure that all devices containing button batteries are secure and inaccessible to young children. Batteries should be stored in a locked cabinet or out of reach, and any loose batteries should be properly discarded.
  • In case of a suspected button battery ingestion or insertion,
    caregivers should never induce vomiting or try to remove the
    battery themselves. Immediate medical attention should be
    sought by calling emergency services or visiting the nearest
    emergency department. | (855) 576-8745