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Your Child's Health, Our Priority, Always

Lead Exposure and Screening

Hello Pediatrics is Fully Integrated with many Primary Care Providers

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Lead Exposure and Screening

  • Lead exposure can have serious health consequences, as it can affect their developing brains and nervous systems, leading to long-term cognitive and behavioral problems as well as bone issues.
  • Exposure to lead sources includes lead-based paint in older homes, home renovations, contaminated soil, and certain imported products like toys and cosmetics.
  • Routine lead screening is crucial to identify any exposure, which is recommended for all children at age 1 and 2 years or earlier if risk factors are identified.
  • Screening starts with a capillary sample; if identified to be positive, a confirmatory venous sample is obtained
  • Early detection allows for timely intervention to mitigate the potential health effects of lead.
  • Public health initiatives and policies play a crucial role in raising awareness, implementing lead abatement programs, and ensuring a safe environment for children to grow and thrive. | (855) 576-8745