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Understanding and Managing Toddler Head Banging

In the whirlwind of parenthood, it’s not uncommon for our little ones to surprise us with their quirky habits and behaviors. One such behavior that often catches parents off guard is toddler head banging. You’re not alone if you’ve ever walked into your child’s room only to find them rhythmically thumping their head against the crib’s railing. Toddler head banging is more common than you might think. While it may seem alarming at first, it’s essential to understand that this behavior is a phase that many toddlers go through.

A. What Is Toddler Head Banging?

Toddler head banging is a behavior in which a child repeatedly hits their head against a surface, such as a crib railing, mattress, or wall. This rhythmic movement can be concerning to parents, but it’s important to differentiate it from self-harm or a serious medical condition. Head banging is typically a self-soothing mechanism or a way for toddlers to express their emotions, not a sign of a developmental or psychological disorder. Understanding this behavior begins with recognizing that it is usually a phase that will eventually subside on its own.

  1. Age range when it commonly occurs
    Head banging is most observed in toddlers, typically starting around the age of 6 to 9 months and peaking between 18 and 24 months (about 2 years). By the time a child reaches preschool age, most have outgrown this behavior. The exact timing can vary from child to child, so patience and observation are key during this phase.
  2. Variations in head banging behavior
    It’s essential to note that not all instances of toddler head banging look the same. Some children may gently rock their heads back and forth, while others might use more forceful movements. The surface against which they choose to bang their head can also vary; some prefer crib rails, while others may choose a pillow or mattress. Understanding these variations can help parents recognize whether the behavior is causing harm or discomfort to their child or if it’s merely a phase of self-expression. The intensity and frequency of head banging can fluctuate as well, and these variations can provide valuable insights into what might be triggering the behavior.


B. Causes of Toddler Head Banging

  1. Self-soothing and comfort are the most common reasons toddlers engage in head banging.  When they are overwhelmed or tired, the rhythmic motion of head banging can provide a sense of security and calmness. This behavior is akin to thumb-sucking or cuddling with a favorite blanket, offering a source of reassurance during moments of stress or fatigue. It’s a way of creating a soothing, repetitive rhythm that helps them cope with their emotions and regain a sense of control.
  2. Communication and expression – head banging can serve as a non-verbal way for them to express their emotions, whether it’s anger, excitement, or simply a need for attention. By repeatedly hitting their head, they are signaling their feelings, much like how they might use crying, pointing, or other gestures. Parents should pay close attention to the context surrounding the head banging to understand what their child might be trying to convey. It’s often a call for interaction and responding with patience and empathy can help alleviate the underlying frustration.
  3. Sensory stimulation – some children are highly sensitive to sensory experiences and may find the sensation of head banging stimulating. The rhythmic movement can produce a calming effect or a sense of pleasure due to the sensory feedback it provides.
  4. Health-related factors (e.g., ear infections, teething) can contribute to toddlers’ head banging. Ear infections, teething discomfort, or other physical ailments can cause pain or discomfort in the head or jaw area, prompting children to engage in head banging as a response. It’s crucial for parents to be vigilant about their child’s health and consult a pediatrician if they suspect any underlying medical issues that might be causing or exacerbating the head banging behavior.


C. When Should You Be Concerned?

  1. Frequency and intensity of head banging – If your child engages in head banging excessively, such as multiple times a day or for extended periods, it may be a cause for concern. Additionally, if the intensity of the head banging is so severe that it results in injury or causes visible harm, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. Frequent and intense head banging can be a sign that your child is struggling to cope with their emotions or sensory experiences and may require additional support and intervention.
  2. Potential red flags for underlying issues – although head banging is often a benign behavior, it’s essential to be aware of potential red flags for underlying issues. If your child’s head banging is accompanied by other concerning behaviors, such as speech delays, regression in other developmental milestones, social withdrawal, or persistent aggression, it may indicate an underlying developmental or psychological issue.


In conclusion, toddler head banging may initially raise concerns for parents, but it’s essential to recognize that it’s a common phase of development with various underlying causes. By understanding these causes and employing the right coping strategies, parents can navigate this behavior with confidence and patience. Creating a safe environment, identifying triggers, implementing soothing bedtime routines, and encouraging alternative self-soothing methods provide practical tools to manage head banging while promoting a sense of security and comfort for the child. Staying calm and providing comfort during episodes ensures a supportive environment for the child’s emotional well-being. Remember, seeking professional guidance when needed is a responsible step towards addressing concerns and ensuring a smooth journey through this phase. With the right approach, parents and caregivers can help their little ones transition through toddler head banging while fostering healthy self-soothing habits and promoting overall development.

If you have concerns when your child’s pediatrician’s office is closed, book a telemedicine appointment with one of our pediatricians.

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